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Report on the Right to Property in Turkey

As part of the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review 35th Session, the Human Rights Defenders e.V., Victim Laborers Platform and the Victim Educator Platform submitted a joint Report on the Right of Property, concerning in Turkey.

In this report, we examined how the AKP government restricted and ignored the right of property by ruthlessly using the sword of decree-law during the state of emergency with the excuse of the coup attempt which was stated in 15.07.2016 in Turkey. How the AKP government used the decree-law tool against not only the members of Gülen movement which they held responsible for the coup but against anyone who they considered as critical towards them and how these restrictions and ignore of the right of property became affecting and victimizing all citizens of Republic of Turkey. Within this context, we explained with examples how the right of property which is protected under international agreements, Constitution of Turkey and Laws was restricted.

Furthermore we deliberated the procedures and problems of the Turkish Government which started before and reached its peak in the aftermath of the failed coup attempt in July 2016. Furthermore, we explained the fact of preventing the right to legal remedies and the problems encountered during the legal processes.

In our Submission we discussed the role of the ECtHR on this topic, and how the ECtHR was a partner for solution of how Turkey denied its obligations arising from international agreements.

For the report please follow this link.